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How To Get Your Freelance Visa In Dubai

The UAE is a popular destination for freelance workers from all around the globe. The visa process may seem long and difficult, but if you follow these steps you can rest assured that you will be able to live and work in the UAE legally. Your freelance visa is a permit issued by the UAE Ministry of Labor for foreigners who want to work as expatriate professionals in the UAE. It was designed for those who are looking for a job in any of the emirates and are willing to change their current residence. There are many benefits to get from a freelance visa such as being able to continue to earn your income while living legally in the UAE.

Who is Freelancer?

A freelancer is a person who has a position as a self-employed worker. Freelance workers are often represented by a company or an agency that resells their skills to different companies or individuals. A freelance worker may work with different hours, depending on the nature of the job and most importantly, according to his own wish.

When you are a freelancer, it is important to be able to demonstrate your skills and past work. A portfolio should show examples of your best work and demonstrate how well you can do the job for which you are applying. The rest of the resume should focus on what you have done in other areas, such as education and experience with previous employers or clients.

What are the requirements for a freelance visa?

Conditional Documents(s):

  • Appointment Declaration duly signed by the applicant and acknowledged by the current sponsor (if the applicant is sponsored by an existing employer in UAE)

Visa Fees

  • Permit Fees AED 7500
    An additional fee of AED 10 as “Knowledge Dirham” and AED 10 as “Innovation Dirham” is applicable per transaction.

Important notes by the Department of Dubai Development Authority

  • If the document is issued or executed outside the UAE, it must be (i) attested by a notary public in the country in which it is executed and (ii) authenticated in that country up to (and including) the UAE Embassy in that country. If the document is issued or executed in the UAE, it must be attested by a notary public in the UAE or executed at the offices of the DDA Registrar and attested on behalf of the Registrar.
  • The Authority reserves the right to ask for any extra documents it may deem required.
  • The required documents must be in English and/or Arabic. Documents in any other language must be accompanied by a certified English or Arabic translation.
  • Where the RIC form is completed and signed by the applicant in person at the Dubai Development Authority, the applicant’s signature will be certified by Dubai Development Authority personnel.
  • Applicant must obtain residence visa from Dubai Development Authority

* For updated information on any requirement of visa changes (https://dda.gov.ae/dda-services/registration-licencing-services/setting-up-a-business-2/apply-for-freelancer-permit/)

After you have your visa, what’s next?

The freelance visa of UAE is one of the most popular and in-demand visas that allows you to live, work, and travel abroad. However, the success of your freelancing career depends on how you approach it. You can create a career for yourself in remote regions such as Asia or Europe by doing freelance work online. Here are two essential tips to be successful:

  • Get Strong Technical Skills – Every job requires certain skills and technical knowledge and whichever you choose to be your profession then be the best in it.
  • Marketing of your skills – Be a digital marketer, you need to maintain your skills in order to stay ahead of the competition. No matter how great you are at what you do, if you’re not staying up-to-date on the latest trends and developments in the field, then there will always be someone else lurking around the corner who is willing and able to take your place. So not only do you have to stay relevant but also current by learning new skills as they become available.

Freelance is a dream job. You don’t have to work in a cubicle, you can wear whatever you want and best of all, there’s no boss to tell you what to do. But freelance isn’t all fun and games. The truth is, freelancers, struggle more than the average worker with burnout and self-doubt. It’s important for freelancers to learn how to overcome obstacles when they arise, or they risk jeopardizing their success at freelancing altogether!


If you want to live in the United Arab Emirates and enjoy the benefits of the country, you will need to obtain a visa. The best option for most freelancers is a freelance visa, but it’s not always easy to get approval. Our immigration consultants can help you with your application and make sure that everything goes smoothly.


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