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Employment rose in B.C. and Newfoundland last month, new Labor Force Survey shows

British Columbia and Newfoundland led Canada’s provinces in employment gains in October, Statistics Canada’s new Labour Force Survey reports.

Canada added 443,000 new jobs in the 12 months spanning October 2018 to October 2019, led by gains in full-time work, Statistics Canada said.

British Columbia led Canada’s provinces with a gain of 15,000 net jobs in October. Statistics Canada said this was driven by increases in full-time work for people aged 55 and over.

The province’s unemployment rate remained stable at 4.7 per cent — the lowest in Canada.

Newfoundland and Labrador also posted a gain of 2,700 net jobs in October, a result primarily of part-time work among those between the core working ages of 24 and 54.

Both the employment level and unemployment rate remained largely unchanged in most of Canada’s other provinces in October.

Employment in public administration was up by 20,000 in October, with gains reported in British Columbia, Quebec, New Brunswick and Prince Edward Island. Employment in this sector grew by 73,000 over October 2018, or 7.6 per cent.Employment was also up in October for people working in the finance, insurance, real estate, rental and leasing industry. Statistics Canada said the gain of 18,000 net jobs in this field was the second increase in three months. Compared to October 2018, employment was up by 64,000.


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