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Car Insurance In UAE: What You Need To Know Before Buying

Car insurance is a necessity in the UAE. It is compulsory for all drivers that own and operate private vehicles to have car insurance before using their cars on public roads. In this article, we will explain why it is important for every driver to have car insurance in UAE, what laws govern car insurance policies here, what types of coverage you should consider buying, and how to get the best deals on your policy.

If you are planning to buy car insurance, then there must be a number of things that may have popped up in your mind. You need to research them before making the final decision. Car insurance is an important part of owning a vehicle and you cannot afford not to get one.

Car Insurance requirements in UAE

Though insurance is required for all vehicles, vehicles must meet certain requirements to be eligible for a car insurance policy.

  • Vehicle must be registered in the UAE
  • Vehicle must be at least 2 years old
  • Vehicle must not have been purchased from an auction in the last 6 months
  • Vehicle must not have had a major repair or accident reported
  • Vehicle must have a roadworthy license

How much car insurance do you need?

The cost of car insurance in the UAE can vary depending on the type of vehicle, the number of kilometers you drive per year, and the age of the driver.

Today, the astronomical costs of car insurance are a huge financial burden for many people, but there are several ways to reduce your insurance costs.

To get a better idea of which type of car is best for you, it is worth looking at the benefits and drawbacks of each vehicle.

Typical insurance coverage is the following:

  • What is covered?

Car insurance covers injuries or death sustained by the driver and passengers of the vehicle. This includes any medical expenses and/or disability payments that come as a result of the accident.

  • What is not covered?

Car insurance does not cover damages to personal property, such as your car or anything you might be carrying in it. It also does not cover damage to other cars or property depending on the insurance policy.

How to save money on your car insurance in UAE?

By understanding how the insurance industry works, you can save money.

  1. First, get quotes from two or three different companies. You want to compare apples to apples and not just different providers.
  2. Next, ask for a discount. Depending on your driving record, occupation and any other factors that might qualify you for an auto insurance discount, many insurers may offer one.
  3. Finally, do not forget about those discounts for which you are already qualified. Many companies offer discounts if you insure both your car and home with them.

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